
Saturday 20 August 2011

Electrical System Keeps Your Car Running

Automotive Dealer - Electrical System Keeps Your Car Running ; The electrical equipment of a vehicle is essentially a collection of wires. However, the big picture is that these wires are important in giving you the electricity the car needs to run. The electrical system of an automobile isn’t only complex, but also sophisticated, and it consists of the battery, starter, voltage regulator, solenoid, generator, and fuse panel. Even though the power supply is often talked about the most, other aspects of the electrical system are also important. The electrical needs of the system are powered by a 12-volt battery.

The battery is continually being recharged by the generator, or alternator. A belt hooks up the alternator together with the engine which constantly keeps the battery energized and the car running. Electrical energy that is produced by the battery is sent to the starter to start the car. Therefore, if you have a dead battery, there is no chance your car will be able to start. That’s the reason the battery pack is such an important part of your car’s overall system. It holds all of the power needed to make the car move, and also to enable the things such as clocks, radio and car alarm to function.

The battery functions by having six cells that are split up into negative and positive plates through insulators. These plates are located in an electrolyte substance which is a blend of water and sulfuric acid. Making power is also produced by the alternator, which is needed to run engine controls and other ignition devices. AC power gets to be transformed into DC power by the belt-driven alternator. The biggest consumer of electrical power is the starter, and without this part working the car wouldn’t start. To transmit electrical power it is necessary to use the battery, but it is administered by the solenoid, and is controlled by the ignition switch. Whenever you turn the key to start your car, many things are going at the same time to make your car go.

All of the electrical components of the car connects to the all-important fuse panel. In this particular box is an abundant number of fuses, that can safeguard your car from overloads, or short circuits. Having a fundamental knowledge of the electrical system, you will have an understanding of what repairs need to be made when the time comes.

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